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New Best Seller

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About Freddie Floyd Jr the author

Freddie Floyd Jr came from humble beginnings. Born and raised in a small town located in southern Georgia. He traveled the world by following in his fathers footsteps and entering into the military. While active in the military he was blessed with his first and only child. A beautiful baby girl, who unbeknownst to him at the time, would change not only his life but the way he viewed and treated women. 

As his job took him further away from his home, it brought him closer to God. Freddie loved to study the bible, and tell others about what he learned! It finally dawned on him that he could put all of this knowledge into words and share it with the world! God had made him successful so that he could share the information and glory with the world!

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You are designed to be successful 

The first part of the book introduces the readers to understand who God is and why it's so important establish a healthy relationship
with the Creator. Understanding the power of God and how teaming up with him begins to slowly allow you to realize your purpose in
life. It's clear that God wants and needs an open dialogue with us. As the story goes on, you learn God's word in its proper context and
your life will begin to change. You see, when we let go of what we think, we will see how easy it is for God to bless us. The end of the
book walks you through step-by-step knowledge of how easy it is for God to release all his peace into our lives as we prosper.

Gods Gift Woman

The first part of the book introduces the readers to understand the value that God placed on women, and why it’s so important for
women to unlearn the things that society has shown them regarding their purpose, why you need to establish a healthy relationship
with the Creator so he can be your guide, and how you can get your power back that the devil thinks he stole from you.

God wants and needs an open dialogue with you so you will no longer have to ask what your purpose is. As the story goes on, you
learn what a good man should like to provide you with the love you so desire. No longer will you feel the need to settle, know who
you are, and what is your value in Christ. Take the journey

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